In January 2024 two journalists, Massimo Degli Esposti and Andrea Franchini published with Arte Stampa of Modena, a 160-page book entitled "BIO-ON THE POISONED UNICORN, SO TOXIC FINANCE KILLED THE DREAM OF CLEAN PLASTIC".
The book carries out an in-depth study on the declarations of those who attacked Bio-on in 2019 and the real consistency of the accusations in 2024.
It's an interesting book, but disturbing to me. A judgment may coincide with what one of the authors says:
"Bio-on was effectively annihilated, this happened even before justice had ascertained what any truth was. This must really worry us, that is, it worries and worries me personally, that is, how was it possible that all this happened in a democratic country in a market economy in a state of law"?
In addition to the Book which contains the names and surnames of those responsible for this attack there is also a video published on YOUTUBE. Below are the links to the book, you can find it on Amazon (ITALIAN), and to the video (follow indication to translate).
The video is in Italian but you can have youtube generate english subtitling. How do you do it?
Click on ‘CC' to turn on the closed captions
Click on ‘settings'
Click on subtitles – and choose auto-translate to English